Naked Human Girl

Back to the present, after hearing the groan, Crista stopped crying and raised her head.

Then she saw Pel trying to get up. She stood up and tried to walk closer but was stopped by a tiny hovering white creature.

Maybe it was a truly that belonged to the boy but the stern expression said otherwise. Perhaps she was misunderstood again.

"I didn't...mean to hurt him"

[But he was hurt anyway] she heard the white creature say.

Pel stood up and was met with the naked girl standing in front of him. He was dumbfounded when he felt his cheeks heat up, he was blushing? What in the world?

Recognizing the effect her body was having on him Pel frowned. "Put some clothes on will you"

He helped himself up and then remembered she almost killed him moments ago and his face turned aghast.

"Ito, what's the status of my shield?"


Pel glared at Crista with unbridled hate and the latter could almost sense killing intent from him.

"What the f*ck is wrong with you" Pel cussed since the first time he arrived on earth.

"I'm sorry" Crista apologized but Pel wasn't having any of that.

"You're sorry? Krent made that for me, there are only two of them!!! And you just f*king destroyed one!!" he was so angry he felt like blasting her head off her body.

Crista could not control herself and started crying again and then she bowed. "I... *hic* really did not...*hic* do it on purpose"

Pel was speeches, he felt like he swallowed his tongue, and seeing the girl like that he didn't want to scold her anymore. 'Must be another response of this stupid body'

"Stop crying and Ito do I have any unisex clothes?"

[Yes host]

"No..." Crista suddenly said and Pel waited for her to finish. "I'll just destroy the clothes"

Pel thinned his lip before he started into her eyes. "Your nakedness is distracting and causing this body to react in strangely uncomfortable ways so if we're gonna have a conversation you have to get dressed"

"I'm sorry for causing..."

"Stop apologizing and put on some dang clothes" Pel said in frustration.

Crista nodded and then tried to calm down. After five minutes she stopped glowing entirely. "You can give me the clothes now"

Pel who had his back towards her turned to Ito and then a set of clothes appeared in his hand startling Crista who again released a small scream and Pel was once again sent flying.

Fortunately, nothing happened to the shield or he would have really lost it.

"Seriously...What is wrong with you?" Pel was almost in tears, he was so frustrated and because of her pitiful expression, he couldn't even yell at her. 'Damn this stupid body' he could only yell inwardly.

"I can't control my powers, they act their own when I get emotional" Crista explained without looking at his face.

"Of course, humans would be so wired, such a dangerous ability was granted to someone who gets scared with the snap of a finger" Oel said sarcastically and forced the clothes into her hands but he saw how they disintegrated after coming in contact with her glowing body.

"O come on!" Pel groaned. Now he understood why the girl prefer being naked but it was really disturbing when his eyes, on their own kept darting to check out her curves and boy was her shape alluring.

And he could feel that thing in between his leg starting to react making him really uncomfortable down there. 'This is shit' he complained inwardly.

Pel was someone who like challenges but none of his experience gave him the idea of how to deal with this kind of situation. His restraints were breaking off suppressing this new emotion was not even working out for him.

With a deep sigh, Pel turned to Crista and said seriously. "You have to figure out a way to cover yourself...please"

"I'll try to calm down again" Crista said and closed her eyes.

[I think host should make contact]

Pel stared at Ito was a deadpan expression. "Are you kidding me?"

[I can absorb some of her energy]

"I will be risking the last shield"

[There's still a lot from your dad]

"This is the last one from Krent"


[I might be able to evolve]

Pel was shocked by Ito's statement but his expression turned serious. Ito wouldn't joke with something like that and although he had never heard of a system evolving, he trusted Ito enough to give it a try.

'Seeing her naked is making this body react like this, what will happen when I touch her...I want my body back' Pel inwardly sighed before walking closer to Crista.

He stopped his mind from thinking too much and walked closer.

Crista who was trying her best to concentrate suddenly felt someone hold her hand and she gasped.

She opened her and tried to move away but Pel's hold was firm.

"Let go, you'll die" she begged and did not even notice that it has been a couple of seconds, and still nothing happened to him.

[Stay still I can absorb your excess energy]

Crista's eyes widened and she turned to Ito. "Really?"

Pel on the other hand was surprised for a different reason. "You can see Ito?"

Crista nodded and stared at Pel. "You really are fine...there's hope, I can be normal again"

"Yes and put some clothes on" Pel added and Crista nodded.

She started at her hand that was being held by Pel and blushed in embarrassment.

Pel did not know how to react. She did not blush when she was found naked but was blushing because he held her hand?

This human tipped the scale of weirdness in his mind, humans were probably the most complex species in existence.