System Workshop

«Weapon System»

—Rocket Launcher: A limited slot of rockets that can regenerate after Taxao has sufficient rest. (20/20)

—Lasers: (20/20) Range of 5km.

—Nana Bombs: (5/5) Range of 10km.

—Turbo Boosters: When equipped, Taxao defies gravity.

"Why does he still have these?" Pel was confused and turned to Ito. There wasn't really anything new since Taxao had those before but now that he evolved into a Kerki, how could he still keep them?

[It's part of him now]

"And you dare put his race as Kerki? Where in the galaxy will you find this kind of Kerki?" Pel glared at him.

[He looks like one]



"Just forget that, I'm thinking of copying six other abilities by tonight so hack into the school database a give me a list of students with above-average abilities"


Pel then inhaled sharply before exhaling. "Do I really have to perform a thorough screening..."

[Host can store the abilities he does not wish to use immediately]

"Really? there's no crazy quest?" Pel raised a brow.

To almost rolled his eyes but remained silent.

"That is great...I don't have to hold back then"

[The limit is 20, you can only use 7 at a time and can only change them once a day]

"What's with you and 20?...anyway it's still good, now let's check out my rewards"

—Quest Complete

—Your skills have been upgraded.

—The pet space has been upgraded and a workshop for host has been added.

—You have unlocked the Shop function, and now buying and selling are available. Weapons in the system space can be sold for system points which is the currency for trading within the system.

—Amount: 1000SP(System Points)

Pel stared with bright eyes, having a workshop in the system meant no more mishaps and this reward he considered most valuable.

[Seems like host is pleased]

Pel stopped smiling and cleared his throat. "It's just there..." he couldn't contain his happiness though and Ito could sense it as well.


"Let's check out the workshop, there's still a few hours before dark"

* * *

Tessa Flora and Adam all received a notification and met up while wearing solemn expressions.

"I can't even reach him, what made him blow up like that?" Tessa said with furrowed brows and Flora nodded showing her agreement.

"You guys can't be serious, do you still worry about him when we should be thinking about how to protect our neck?'s evident he doesn't care what happens to us" Adam said angrily.

"What do you mean by that?" Flora frowned.

Adam laughed, gazing at their stupidity. "They can't touch a hair on his head but what about us, we don't have anyone" he then turned to Tessa.

"Well maybe you do but we came from the orphanage and maybe Flora would have forgotten how hard life was after becoming a dual elemtalist with variant abilities"

"What is wrong with you? since when did you become like this, you speak as if you're the only one with problems" Tessa asked while mailing a disgust that was starting to emerge.

"Yes, I am the only one bearing the cross here. Look I don't have an issue with the guy but why does his action have to affect me, I never should have entered the same Academy. I don't know how you guys will deal with the questioning tomorrow but if push comes to shove then I'm gonna open my mouth" after saying his piece he left still clenching his fist.

He did not want to hate Pel, heck he wanted nothing with the guy but he had to be dragged into his nonsense every time. If he hadn't made the stupid spatial rings then his life would have been much better than current. He resisted the urge to scream his frustration.

"Why is Adam behaving like this?" Tessa asked still staring at his figure until he disappeared.

"I think he's going through a lot, maybe he'll calm down with time" Flora sighed she wouldn't want to choose between friends but she and Adam have been friends since they were kids.

"I think he is just being selfish" Tessa folded her arms.

"Adam is just feeling insecure, I guess...Anyway, the Telons have still not done anything to Pel, do you think they'll let it go?"

"We'll find out tomorrow" Tessa borrowed her eyes.

* * *

Meanwhile, Pel was being blown away by Ito. The workshop provided by the system could be considered even better than his mobile lab which was crazy and he still had a lot of materials to start making more gadgets.

Even if he didn't though, the system shop was loaded with materials as long as he could afford them.

"Why weren't you this great back then?" Pel folded his hands, inwardly pleaded.

Poor Ito was at loss for words.

[I can do more as long as host continues to grow strong]

"So it's my fault?"


Pel then ignored him and asked for some of his dad's and Krents blueprint. As long as he could get a good combination he didn't mind using them...he wanted to make his very first mana weapon.

'I wonder if the energy in these spirit stones can be extracted into a carrier, that would make things easier'

Pel did not dwell too much and started working. After different choices, he decided to combine 'Charging Bracelet' and 'Sizzle Blade'.

Originally the charging bracelet is used for weapons like turbo blast to keep the gadget going. Also whatever he made to make now had to be in line with the fact that he was human.

While it may not necessarily affect a Kerki, it might have irreversible consequences on humans so he had to perform varieties of tests which used up an hour but at least now he was sure of which materials to use.

Then again, his weapon had to be in line with his fighting style, comfortable for him. He would have downright gone with a gauntlet but he wasn't satisfied with that notion.

And after two hours of crafting, he heard a notification that made him break out in a smile.