Questions And Threats

Just five elders were sitting down at a round table the reason for this arrangement was unknown to them but it was common knowledge that the Telons definitely had more than five elders.

"Welcome, you may sit" one of the elders said with a smile as fake as his face...probably.

"We dare not" Tessa's said refusing to move from her spot and the others did the same.

"Your friend Pel is interesting" a female elder said while taping her fingers on the table.

Tessa inhaled. If she was going to do this, might as well do it right. It was clear as day that these people were wary of Pel and they felt like getting to him through them but unless they pry her mouth open, she wasn't saying anything.

She didn't know what the repercussions of going against the Telon family would be but it certainly wouldn't be as worse as offending a new species in outer space.

"That he is"

Expectedly, her answer made them frown.

"How long have you known him?"

"Two or three months"

Adam and Flora turned to each other, was it really a good idea for her to be behaving like this? still they said nothing.

"What do you know of him?"

Tessa silently smiled. "I believe that you are aware of the circumstances under which we met that wouldn't have been enough to discuss his family tree and we only met a few times at the Academy not enough the kind of information you seek"

"Are you saying you have no information to provide us?" and elder asked coldly.

"It appears so"

"Does she speak for all of you?"

The threatening gaze made them fidget but Flora held Adam's hand before he could start rethinking and they both nodded.

One of the elders flared up. "You do know that we have ways to make you talk"

Tessa stared directly at him and opened her mouth, being a lamb in such a situation would do more harm than good. "I do...but you dare not"

"Oh, and why do you think so?"

Tessa smiled. "He killed them because one made him angry, what will he do when you torture his friends?" there was bluffing but she felt like Pel's pride wouldn't let him sit still about it.

"Do you threaten us?" the five of them stood up.

"Of course were threatening us"

One of the elders then turned to her with a solemn expression. "You are right, we simply can not hurt you at the moment but nothing prevents us from extending your stay"

Tessa's expression changed. "You're keeping us under house arrest?"

"To ensure your safety of course"

"Who knew the Telons would be so shameless?"

"Shut up!!"

* * *

"Are you fine Pel?" Tulip asked prying for information. He had suddenly decided to extend the appointed day for him to take action.

"There's no problem" Pel answered with a straightforward tone.

"You don't seem busy so..."

"I'm waiting for something and oh...we do have stuff to talk about" Pel patted the chair, asking her to sit beside him.

After Tulip sat down, Pel did not begin immediately and instead admired the beauty of the garden a bit more. Humans cultivated simple flowers and most of them had no use other than their beauty and fragrance.

Most Kerkis didn't do what benefited them, except for maybe those like his brother who could only be brought out of bed by advanced blueprints. The thought made Pel chuckle.

"Humans are really complex...while the bad ones pollute their side, the good and simple ones are so complicated...but you are like me right?"

Tulip was caught off guard. "Like you?"

"You're just pretending to be human..." Pel said without turning to her and she stood up with a total change in expression.

"You know? much do you know?" Tulip scowled.

"Not much really, I only received a notification that I discovered a new species" Pel stood up.

Tulip breathed a sigh of relief.

"Aren't you going to tell me about it?"

"No" she answered quickly. "I can't and you shouldn't be trying to find out either...and I am human" she then walked away.

"Guess everyone has their secrets...but hers is so interesting, why does she refuse to tell?"

[Host, the mark reacted]

"Teleport now"

* * *

Meanwhile, after Tessa and the others got escorted to where they would be staying the elders in the meeting room were livid.

"Who does she think she is?!"

"I think it's all a bluff who knows if the boy even cares about them?"

"I suggest teaching the girl a lesson, we can't let this slide she was too arrogant"

"A bit of torture then healing...they should realize that the Telons are part of the fifteen. Hesitating for the boy is enough, I do not see why we should hold back from dealing with the girl"

No one said anything, they were equally angered by her attitude which showed that she had no regard for them.

With the silent agreement, the female elder left off to deal with Tessa. Her ability was the most precise when it came to torture...or punishment.

Left alone, Adam couldn't hold himself back anymore. "What was that for?"

Tessa who was already irritated snapped at him. "What do you suggest I should have done? cower like you, they wouldn't have let us go either way"

"Pel isn't here to save us, why can't you understand something so simple?" Adam groaned in frustration.

"You two should stop, at least let's see how things go and besides we have our abilities do we not?" Flora tried to mediate.

Adam laughed. "Will you attack them?"

"If they attack us yes" Flora said with seriousness.

Adam's face cracked. "You can't be serious"

"Look Adam. I don't know what happened to you these days but when we first met you didn't seem like someone who would become a coward. Sure we can start out small but the Telons consider us consumables, as long as we hold what they need they won't go too far" Tulip said and as if right on cue, the doors flung open revealing the female elder wearing a grin.

She had two Awakeners behind her and with the way she looked at Tessa, it was apparent that she was up to no good.