
When Ken saw Pel react, he clenched his fists but after seeing that his expression was not of disgust but fear and a mixture of curiosity, he released his clenched fists and proceeded to answer him.

"I don't really know what happened, it started out with symptoms of weakness every now and then but worsened as time went by and one day Lisa and I went shopping but when we came back we found mom unconscious"

Pel and Crista turned to each other, non of them knew what the other was thinking but they nodded anyway and Crsta walked closer to the woman while trying her best to suppress her fear.

She could not afford to mess up, she needed just the right amount of glow to be able to circulate the mana within the woman's body, too much and she would disintegrate instead. Working on the kids was far easier but with Pel and Ken staring at her intently she could only take a deep breath and begin.