Dark Continent

With their release, Pel and Crista sought to escape but there was no shadow in sight. Firstly, they were supposed to be watched but no one was outside the tent.

"Is this a trap...or maybe something happened?" Pel thought aloud and then started looking for any clues at all and it wasn't long till he found them.

Most of the tents were in ruins and black flames were everywhere. Looking at the place, Pel calmed his swirling heart and continued walking.

Not long after they heard something and decided to stand watch at an inconspicuous corner. 

"Haven't you already done enough?" a shadow raged and by the looks of it, it was the last survivor.

'What the hell happened while we were in?' Pel wondered and continued watching.

And as the conversation continued things started clearing up and as it turned out. The human male and female standing opposite the shadow were the culprit of this whole mess and the shadow had identified them as dark mages.