
Ekelon was depressed, more than depressed he was distraught. They had a cooking roster in their room...it wasn't a norm but considering how close they were it wasn't surprising.

It was already late and the cafeteria had already closed. While waiting they had already brought out their portion of food items, now all that was missing was Rudolf.

Forget the shit doctor that said Awakeners could stay two days without food. Ekelon barely had any time to rest these days and he needed to replenish his energy with food and not supplements.

His stomach had been growling for eons but those growls had been reduced to the whimpering of a wet dog.

Just when Ekelon felt like he was already seeing the light of heaven, Rudolf. "Oh heavenly lord where the hell have you been?"

Rudolf smiled apologetically. He had something going on and could not make it back early and knowing the kind of roommates he had, they were probably all still waiting for him.