Healing Ekelon

When they turned around and saw Pel, Erikafrowned for a second before her expression returned to a smile. 'He really does look so much like Cole, I wonder why he was left here then' 

"Oh hey Pel" Ekelon smiled and approached him.

"We need to talk" Pel said with a serious expression. He did not mind that he might have interrupted something because he felt what he wanted to do was more important.

Reading Pel's face, Ekelon followed his while trying to discern what going on.

Pel led him to his dorm room where he and Kingsley were currently saying but the latter was not in the room.

"Call out your system"

Ekelon frowned and was about to reply when his eyes changed color.

"Are you crazy?" Njir asked with an annoyed expression.

Pel stayed silent for a bit before he replied. "Why do you keep your existence from your host? are you some kind of parasite system?"