
Even Pel was not aware of the feat he had accomplished leaving both the now screaming Crocs and the other Awakeners in absolute shock.

Normally an Awakner was conscious of how much mana he or she spent and that was why the mana weapons were even more precious since they could minimize the amount of mana spent despite creating a similar if not more destructive force.

In their eyes, Pel was just a student, intelligent yes but he had probably just formed his mana pool so creating such an attack should have sent him straight into a coma, if not death but their hr was observing the damage he had dealt on the Silver Crocs.

Jack was in disbelief of what he was seeing and his team members were in a worse state of shock than he was.

"How is he still fine?" Simone let her thoughts slip through her lips even when she didn't mean to.

"Why is he so strong?" Cordelia asked staring at Tulip who didn't seem so shocked in disbelief.