Try to Find Out

"Artem Alexandrov," exclaimed the man whose age was much younger than the name he had just called out loud.

"Bene, you always call me by your full name." replied the gray-eyed old man with matching hair and eyebrows. "Can it be a little more flexible? For example... call me uncle."

The man called Bene immediately embraced Artem while sharing a laugh before finally, the two sat face to face in a study filled with various kinds of paintings. Artem raised the cup containing espresso, and took a sip slowly, followed by Bene afterward.

The two were immersed in each other's daydreams. No one made a sound, even look each other as they did before. However, the two pairs of gray eyes were endlessly scanning the entire painting hanging on the white wall of the room. Then, in the next split second, the two men exchanged glances for a moment when they found what they had been looking for since just now.

The only painting with a black frame is the only thing they give excessive attention to. The only painting that depicts a terrible atmosphere, is much different from other paintings that also fill the 4-meter-wide workspace and have a length of 14 meters.

Almost all the paintings that filled the walls of the room depicted the atmosphere and beautiful portraits of something, a person. However, the painting that Artem and Bene are now looking at has a dark aura, as depicted on it. Dozens of soldiers in different armor suits surrounded the only young man who stood upright even though almost his whole body was covered in blood, like other young men and several fallen wolves bathed in blood on the ground, under his feet.

The spear, as well as the sword that led to the neck as well as the young man's other limbs, looked dirty and covered in blood. Although the head of the young man in the painting looked down, both hands on his sides were clenched. The young man's spine segments seemed to protrude out, even appearing with a small tail around his buttocks.

In the upper right corner of the painting, there is a round red sign. The circle is made of writing stating that the painting belongs to the category of high value. Not only is the value alone high, the power contained in the painting as well. At the bottom of the sealing circle it is also given a description; should not be touched without a base or gloves.

"Bene, I warn you once again. Don't include that painting in the exhibition, nor do you try to place it permanently in your largest gallery that you just finished building in downtown Freibruck." Artem stared at the painting and Bener took turns.

"Artem, this painting has been languishing in my father's study for too long. Even the painting is a little older than my age now," Bene said as he slowly flashed a smile. His eyes were unceasingly looking at every corner of the room as well as the paintings they were discussing. "I think the curse has faded, just like the color equivalent inside."

Artem shook his head. He massaged his temples slowly. "Bene, did your late father never repeatedly tell you about the history of the painting?"

"Of course, he told me everything over and over again, from the age of 5 to 42, even until the second before he breathed his last," Bene retorted slightly as he gave a real explanation to the old man who was engrossed in sipping the last few drops of espresso in his cup. "You don't have to worry, Artem. Just trust me."

Bene puffed out his chest, then patted his shoulder full of pride as he managed to get all of Artem's attention. "I will install detectors at the entrance, and hire psychics who can detect the presence of summoners, as well as guards to keep summoners away from the gallery and the City of Freibruck if they are detected even found."

"I was speechless to hear and watch your persistence to get the painting out for the crowd to see." Artem shook his head with a long sigh.

Bene slowly reached out and grabbed Artem's hand, then clasped it while looking at him with real earnestness from behind his gray eyes.

"Everyone across the country, not just the residents of Freibruck, knows the legend of the painting. They also know the history implied in the painting. Not only me, but everyone who comes will be careful when approaching your beloved painting." explained Bene in a low voice, almost sounding like a whisper.

After pondering for a long time, Artem finally gave a nod and an answer. "All right, Bene. Nothing can shrink your persistence, including all the myths I've told you. Please, do everything carefully. You know what the risks are and the consequences."

"Yes, Uncle Artem."

"You just called me uncle." Artem shook his head and then tapped the end of his empty espresso cup with a golden-colored teaspoon from the side of the tray. He asked for refills. "Please keep a close eye on it, Bene," Artem said again.

Bene shook his head softly. "Okay, uncle," he replied with a crisp laugh." in that case, I will soon spread out official invitations to the lucky people who got the lottery, to be the first to come to the exhibition as well as the opening of my largest gallery in downtown Freibruck. Also, I will open two waves of limited bookings on the website."

As per his remarks, and with Artem's approval, Bene or known to the wider community by the name of Benedikt Braun began printing and spreading invitations to art activists, and set aside several invitations to selected students from all art faculties throughout the country, without exception.

After completing a series of cardio exercises and weightlifting at the gym, Thea and Ava chose to return to their Apartment. The two were in the same neighborhood, both choosing the Glass Stone Chateau as their residence. Although they are in different buildings, the Apartment unit they occupy is on the same floor; the forty-fourth floor, with balconies facing each other.

Instead of enjoying lunch in the same room, they chose to sit on each other's balconies while talking over the phone.

"Have you checked out another website that sells tickets for the opening of the Bene Gallery, Ava?" Thea pointed the binoculars towards the opposite building, peeking at what Ava was doing on her balcony terrace at this time.

Consciously watched, Ava held up her middle finger, giving Thea a simple practical gesture. Thea laughed subtly watching it. She heard Ava snorting across there. She knew the cause of the grunt appeared. Herself, of course. So, in the next split second Thea took the time to stare at the screen of her mobile phone lying on the table along with 3 dirty lunch boxes, then looked up at the blue sky that looked so clean that afternoon while talking to Ava through her smartphone.

"What's the matter?" asked Thea curiously. "You have been lazy to help me?"

[That's not it.]

"Then what is it?"

[I just got an email.]


[Pauline.] Ava replied on the other side with a subtle sigh accompanying her remarks. [She suddenly offered admission to the Bene Gallery for free.]

"You want to accept it?"

Ava snorted back on the other side. [I should have asked. Did you want me to accept the ticket Pauline offered? She will give me 2 of the 5 pieces she has.]

Thea chuckled softly. A faint asymmetrical smile adorned her face. "I forgot. She is the daughter of one of the richest artists in the country."

[Yes. She got the ticket from her father who had a fairly close relationship with Benedikt Braun.]

"Oh..." Thea murmured lazily.

[So, how? Do I have to accept Pauline's offer?] once again, Ava snorted again, as if she had just realized something. [Sorry, I forgot that you and Pauline—]

"Pauline must have been planning something," Thea straightened her back, staring straightforwardly at the place where Ava was without binocular help.

[I know.] Ava swiftly replied. [I will refuse—]

"It's not because of the problems that exist between us. Don't get me wrong, Ava."

[All right. Whatever the reason, I will reject Pauline's kindness.]

Thea shook her head while clucking softly. "Have you forgotten that she is a Shadow Soul?"

[Shadow Soul?] Ava sounded annoyed when Thea said that sentence. [Gosh, Thea. You just have to say that she is a witch.]

Shadow Soul is a polite call for wizards in the heyday of the Xaera Kingdom. Until now, people still call it that out of respect for the rules made by the late King Cedric 95 years ago.

Thea and Ava were silent for quite a while, immersed in the various kinds of thoughts that crossed each other. Until finally Ava cleared her throat to break the reverie and silence that held them for too long.

[I wouldn't believe all the good Pauline has to offer. First, because he betrayed us. But the main thing is, she is a black wizard. There are too many rotten plans she will do to you. So, instead of me answering her email harshly. I'd better just block her.]

Thea let out a long breath. "Have you ever felt that I am a summoner?"

[Why did you suddenly ask me that kind of question?] Ava sounded surprised. [You know that what I know about you, you are a healer and a wolfless.]

"Pauline and Hugo seemed to think I was a summoner," she said bluntly. "Hugo once asked me to summon his father's spirit, through his ashes that he kept."

[Then? Did something happen afterward?]

"No," she muttered more to herself. "Nothing happened. But last night, when Julien confronted Hugo, I heard Julien say—" Thea paused her sentence. She suddenly forgot the correct wording that she had heard vaguely.

[What did your uncle say, Thea?]

"Forget it," Thea exclaimed half-heartedly.

Thea blinked, reassembling the remnants of her consciousness. She was eager to say what she had heard from Julien's mouth, although it sounded vague. It's just that telling Ava is the same as telling her uncle and aunt word-for-word. Ava is enough with Esme and Julien, and Ava is the kind of person who is difficult to speak lies, so when something happens to Thea, Ava will say everything clearly to Esme as well as Julien, if they urge her.

Just like when she caught Hugo having an affair with Pauline, Esme, and Julien who were curious because they were not told about the actual incident immediately questioned Ava. The girl told the details to Thea's uncle and aunt while constantly being urged. Thea doesn't want that to happen. She wanted to find out by herself, what her uncle said and Hugo knew was true.

Am I really a summoner?