
In another dimension, there is an infinite black space that is only filled with circles of rays of various colors and sizes. Each of the spheres of light glowed, even mostly dimming every time something inside emitted a sound wave that propagated into the surrounding halo.

Of the millions of colors in the space, there is the only flash of blue light as deep and cold as the deep ocean. The only blue ray does not move in the slightest from where it is, unlike other light that continues to move every time something in it or something in the surrounding light makes a sound, they move because of the waves from the sound.

The blue light even seemed so far away from the other rays. It was like being exiled or perhaps even deliberately alienating itself from the millions of other lights around it. However, after some time for how long the light was inside the infinite space, for the first time, the millions of colors around it dimmed together, almost merging with the color of the space, black. The blue light became the only one shining in the dark.

"Marc Sterling Gray..."

A woman's soft voice echoed filling that boundless space, for the first time. The blue light slowly enlarged, glowed, clinked, and trembled violently as another light slowly appeared even approaching the blue light. However, as if to avoid the arrival of another light, the blue light slowly retreated irregularly, like not wanting to be approached.

"Marc Sterling Gray..." The voice sounded again. This time, it was louder even though it was softer than the previous call.

For the first time, the blue light rotated like the earth spinning on its axis in one day. However, the round of blue light was getting faster and faster, and every time the voice echoed again, calling his name. The light even clinked, glowing so dazzlingly, when it heard the call of the voice for the umpteenth time.

"Don't get me out of here!" the sound of the baritone wafting loudly from within the blue light that was now all around it emitted a bluish-white smoke that froze the surrounding light, as well as the blue light itself.

Silence swept through the boundless black space after the blue light shouted his request. But all the silence disappeared as soon as it came, because the smoke surrounding the blue light melted millions of light around it into tiny particles, much smaller than atoms after his exclamation echoed with a heartbreaking groan.

"I beg you... Stop calling my name..." he said. "Don't free me from this curse."

The blue light slowly shrank to leave a single small dot along with the extended silence that surrounded the infinite space. Before long, slowly the small dot enlarged, re-forming a bright blue circle with deep color like a deep ocean. By a fraction of a second, the circle grew larger until it almost filled a quarter of the space.

The round of blue light slowly trembled. Cracks appeared that was getting bigger and bigger as if they wanted to split the round of light into pieces. Then, at the same time, there was a buzzing sound coming from within the light, in the next split second the huge circle shrank again, and shot out, taking it to another dimension filled with the light of life.

Under the night sky of Freibruck City, dozens of pairs of eyes watched the light coming from the darkness of the sky like a meteor shower streaking as fast as lightning. Aware that the round-shaped foreign object with its vivid light came towards them, the residents who were engrossed in relaxing in the city park immediately stepped aside, running wildly when they watched the blue foreign object reaching. Everyone screamed hysterically when they heard the loud boom between the foreign object and the field where they had played around before.

No one dared to approach. Almost everyone who was at the location spontaneously shut their mouths, some of whom were busy capturing it on their mobile phones. Some people suspect that the luminous thing is a meteor or debris that comes from space. There were no rocks, fire, ash, or anything else from a foreign light that used to fall from above the sky. Earth is often hit by foreign objects from space, such as meteors. Not only once, several meteors repeatedly fell to the earth and caused a large crater. However, what happened this time looked different. Too different.

The object appears very luminous, round, and blue in shape, even the smoke that accompanies its arrival is white like smoke billowing from a large chunk of ice, so it is very clear in the night sky of Freibruck. Residents who captured the incident then shared it on their social media.

When most of the people were busy posting the rare moment, several other pairs of eyes widened in shock to watch a gray-haired wolf with white feathers bandaged from the back of the head to the tip of the tail, but some of them looked normal, even some of them directly changed their human bodies to the form of wolves when approaching and scanning all aspects of the wolf with rare colored fur.

The three light-brown-haired wolves almost voiced their howls if they did not witness the arrival of the big black-haired wolf who had managed to break up and even disperse some of the crowd who were curious about the gray-haired wolf, leaving the two to face without being disturbed even though most of the crowd looked curious to death.

The gray wolf slowly bent down, and gradually transformed into a sturdy human body, quite muscular, with dark hair, turquoise eyes, as well as a wolf head tattoo similar to his was clearly engraved on his left chest that fielded.

The man did not hesitate to get close to Hugo who had fully returned to his human form, with the spontaneous Thea approaching, standing directly behind Hugo's tall body. Occasionally Thea ventured to peek, watching the young man with irises that were very rare to be found all over Alras. Hugo did not allow Thea to come forward, even deliberately holding the girl's arm, letting her stay behind his back.

"Are you holding this territory?" the man asked without looking at Hugo in the slightest.

His pair of bluish-green eyes swept across every corner of the city park, as well as the surrounding skyscrapers. Astonished, confused, and unfamiliar could not hide from the way he stared.

While the man was busy looking at the surroundings with unfamiliar feelings, Thea quietly swallowed her saliva slowly. The fine feathers around her arms and neck rose up. Occasionally Thea rubbed her arms and neck with a rough sweep while shuddering.

This voice. Thea thought after hearing the man's baritone voice. The man who is now dealing with Hugo really managed to make Thea get rid of Hugo's big hand holding her arm long ago. Thea wasn't even afraid to approach and stood in front of the shirtless man.

Thea looked at the burly body in front of her, then slowly looked straight into the bluish-green eyes with her head raised when dealing with the man whose form was unfamiliar, but his voice felt so familiar in her hearing.

Thea spontaneously raised her head, then muttered, "You... Your voice... it often appears in my dreams."

The man's pair of bluish-green eyes rounded perfectly as Thea voiced what crossed her mind. Not only did Thea feel familiar with the voice of the man in front of her, but he was. Spontaneously the man stretched out his left hand, strangled the girl's neck in front of him, and did not even hesitate to lift Thea's body high in line with his height even as those around him screamed hysterically watching the incident.

"Let her go if you still want to be well accepted in this city!" Hugo threatened the man. He clenched his fists, about to turn his human body into the form of a black-haired wolf like before.

The man completely ignored Hugo's warning, and the hysterical shouts of passersby. He even strongly dismissed all kinds of Hugo attacks.

Regardless of Thea who was almost out of breath in his grip, he stared intently into Thea's blue iris, then said, "Why did you do that, young lady?"

"W... wh... what... d... did I… do?" Thea replied. She even tried hard to let go of the grip on her neck even though the grip felt stronger every time she revolted.

"You called me," the man replied bluntly. "You freed me from the curse—"

Thea slowly frowned. "Cu- a curse?"

The man didn't give her a nod, let alone an answer. All he did was stare intently into a pair of Thea's blue eyes with a look that was hard to read and even guessed its meaning.

"C... curse w... what do... you mean?" Thea asked again with a dilemma.

The man was about to answer, but unexpectedly Hugo hit the man's nape with his bare hands until his huge tall body collapsed on the ground with Thea. The girl coughed, and almost cursed Hugo's actions when she was about to get up and came back to the foreign man who strangled her.

"Damn! Why did you hit him?" said Thea on the sidelines of her efforts to heal herself and the choke marks on her neck. "He hasn't said everything clearly."

"Come with me!" said Hugo from behind Thea's back.

"What am I coming with you for?"

Thea turned around and was about to check on the foreign man's condition, but her eyes rounded perfectly watching Hugo had carried the man's big tall body behind his back. Another thing that made Thea even more surprised, Hugo suddenly pulled her hand while looking at her with a glowing yellow iris exactly like when he was in his wolf body. The guts of Thea spontaneously shrank and stared sharply with Hugo's wolf eyes.

Even so, Thea was curious about all the spontaneous actions and attitudes that Hugo showed in front of her. She thought, what for Hugo did hit and take the foreign man with him?

"What are you going to do to him, Hugo?"

Hugo exhaled, then blinked. His wolf eyes disappeared replaced by brown eyes that seemed to sparkle under the light of the garden lights. "You want to be caught by them again?" He asked.

Thea frowned again. Holding her head up, she asked, "Who do you mean?"

"Damn it!" Hugo cursed when he watched a group of press and some employees who worked on Benedikt Braun rushing to the scene where the shocking incident occurred.

"What's the matter?" Thea was confused. She was about to turn around, staring at something behind her back, at the thing that made Hugo suddenly voice a swear word.

Hugo swiftly closed the hoodie that Thea was wearing, then spontaneously grabbed Thea's hand, and again stared intently into Thea's blue eyes with his wolf eyes lit up.

"Come with me, or stay here and let yourself be arrested again by Benedikt Braun's men?"