Hide What Can Be Hidden

"How can it be?" "Now, I'll let you know. That Part of Genevieve's soul is in you."

Thea widened her eyes in shock. Her blue eyes were perfectly rounded, as were Julien, but not With Esme.

Esme looked so calm, even though she was telling a lie. It's too relaxed to say that kind of thing. Either it was too quiet, or Esme was used to doing it—making up lie after lie. Including hiding Thea's true identity and Thea's true ability as a summoner.

While Julien looked surprised and confused at his elder sister's statement, even though she revealed the truth, can you happen to that good thing with a new lie? Julien thought as he crossed paths with Esme, raising his left eyebrow. Just like Esme did before turning her face away from him.

Esme leads Thea to her room after asking to be given a minute to talk to Thea alone to Marc and Julien.

"How come the soul of a Genevieve Maven is on me, Esme?"