The Guess

No matter how many people were deployed to search for the necklace, no matter how much money Thea promised those people to search for her necklace in every corner of the city park, they could not find it. Thea had to go home with her head down listlessly for the second time. Heartbreaking.

Thea was unaware of Esme's presence, even though they were in the same elevator. Even Thea casually entered the house after Esme unlocked the door for her. Thea blinked when Esme cleared her throat, gasped in shock, and even almost slipped when she was about to sit on the sofa.

Thea was about to swear but undo it. Instead of questioning Esme's presence, Thea sat when Esme looked at her intensely. Even as Julien suddenly walked in and looked at Thea and Esme, Thea's calm demeanour did not change.

"What's wrong with you two?" Julien couldn't help asking when he entered the living room and closed the door.