The Guardian

While staring intently at the alpha, Thea again asked, "Is it because part of Genevieve's soul is inside me?"

Silence for a moment. All they could hear from Marc and Thea was the sound of breathing and the wind that was getting firmer and brushing against the hair and skin of their face.

"Even if there's no her soul in you, I'll stand my ground," said Marc softly.

Marc's deep baritone voice sounded so relaxed, just like the look in his eyes despite deliberately avoiding Thea's gaze. Shady and drifting.

Still frowning, Thea asked the same question again.

"You're not going to kill me, even if you could do it to prevent another war from happening?"

Mark sighed in resignation. Slowly the alpha changed his seat position, facing Thea directly. Just like Thea he had done before.

For eight seconds, Marc just stared at Thea intently.

After taking a deep breath, Marc replied, "After all, what has begun must be ended immediately."