Daddy's Back

"Sorry if I misspoke," Marc whispered.

Thea shook her head. Without raising her eyes, she replied, "No. You didn't say anything wrong. I felt sad when you asked me to sit on your wolf's back."

Thea suddenly remembered the figure of her late father when Marc asked her to sit on the alpha wolf's back to reach Esme's residence.

Long ago, when Thea was five to six years old, Theodor would often take her for walks or tour the Aswijk Forest on Theodor's wolf back. Marc's words ultimately reminded Thea of fond memories with her late father.

Realising Thea's deliberately suppressed tension, Marc gently tugged at Thea's pointed chin, guiding the girl to raise her gaze again and look at him.

"We'll just ride your iron box if my request makes you feel sad," Marc said carefully.

"Cars," Thea explained emphatically. "You make my beloved car sound silly when you call it a box of iron."

Marc chuckled, then replied, "I'm sorry."