You Want It?

Thea secretly swallowed her saliva nervously. Taking a deep breath as she looked at their holding hands, she boldly asked, "How long are you going to hold my hand?"

Marc turned his head and then unlinked their hands at Thea's request.

Marc cleared his throat after that. His earlobes reddened. Shame because he unconsciously continued to hold Thea's hand while entering the Aswijk until he almost arrived at the core of the forest.

After ten minutes, Thea stopped walking and asked Marc to do the same. Thea didn't even hesitate to hold onto the alpha's veined arm.

Looking down at the excellent gravel path to her right, Thea said softly, "Can we head to Xaera Rock Falls before continuing on our way home?"

"Xaera Rock Falls?" "Seemingly, the waterfall is still there?" Marc turned his head and looked at Thea as he tilted his head with a frown.

"Don't tell me that waterfall is also a place where you play with your parents,"