Caught - I

Three pairs of eyes watched Thea and Marc's every move from atop the branch of a large pine tree they were climbing. Pressing their palms against the tree bark, they listened to what Marc and Thea were talking about.

The only blue-eyed man removed his headgear, letting his blond hair blow in the wind. His sharp gaze continued to follow where Marc and Thea went.

"That's right, it was you, Marc," the blue-eyed man mumbled.

The two brown-eyed men looked up, staring at the blue-eyed man one level above them, concentrating on Sinne. Not like the two of them who choose to stop when they have found something they've been looking for.

"Psst!" the skinny one called out to the blue-eyed man who was still focusing his hearing and sight on the Sinne he was feeling and using.

"Psst!" It was the big tall man's turn to call the blue-eyed man.