Hiding Place

Only Thea's apartment is Marc's leading destination after running around here and there, escaping and hiding even though Marc initially intended to return to Esme and Julien's place. Marc thought it was too risky, and it could be that caught them as before.

Once at the apartment, Marc swiftly checks every hidden corner, which has the potential to become a hiding place for people with harmful intentions. Marc even deliberately held the door with a sofa. He worried that the previous incident would happen to them, especially Thea.

After feeling safe, Marc picked up Thea and took the girl into her room, then laid her on the bed very carefully.

Although the injection scars and stuns on Thea's hands and feet have disappeared, there is no trace. Thea's face still looks so pale. Thea's whole body was even trembling. Cold sweat also poured down on the temples and the white satin shirt that Thea was wearing. Because of this, Marc seems to be so worried about Thea.