The One Who Break The Curse

"I have to go see Ava," Thea blurted out. "And Pauline."

Marc gave Thea a quick kiss on the forehead and said: "We. Not just you."

"I forbid you to come,"

Marc winked. "Wasn't I also asked to come?" He asked, confused.

"Yes. But depressed"

"But what?"

Picturing Genevieve's face as Marc describes it, Thea compares Genevieve's face with Pauline's. And upon discovering many physical similarities, Thea sighs unconsciously.

"The one we're going to meet is so similar to Genevieve," Thea mutters in the clouds. "All of a sudden, I'm afraid you like what you'll see."

Unfortunately, what Thea just said is not in time for Marc to hear. The alpha just stares and waits for Thea to let him come.

"Shouldn't I be with you if something disturbs you?" Marc spoke up; a little bit of confusion surrounded him.