
"For refusing to kneel to the princess?" He asked.

"Yes." Thea nodded.

Marc shook his head. He couldn't believe hearing Thea's answer.

Marc regained consciousness; he was being extremely rude for refusing to kneel and choosing to bow to the princess. Though come to think of it, there's nothing wrong with him giving that kind of respect to the princess. Anyway, nothing in the rules nor the law is it rude not to bend.

"You know why I'm punishing you, hm?" asked Marc, emphasizing each word he said.

Thea shakes her head.

"You gave her my precious phone number," Marc explained without being asked.

Thea smiled before finally hugging Marc's body tightly while burying her face into Marc's chest. There was no sound, but Thea tried hard to stifle laughter and even a small whirl from her mouth.