Leonor: Tell Me All Your Secrets

Cancel visiting Freibruck Royal College, Leonor asked the driver to turn around and return to the palace. There are far more critical things to do, and besides, Leonor has already met Thea and Marc at the explosion scene by chance.

Leonor rushed to find her father when she arrived at the palace. Leonor ran around here and there, walking from one room to another, but didn't find her father anywhere.

That reinforced her suspicions about her father. The King should have been in his Chambers or the dining room, hosting a luncheon with some of the prime ministers as scheduled.

Leonor even asked one by one the bodyguards at the front of the room, where the king often stopped by, but neither of them was willing to give Leonor the correct answer. Most of them didn't answer; the others answered have no idea where the king was when Leonor forced them to tell the truth.