
Thea slowly opened her eyes, looking at Marc's face and forefinger, which had previously been sliced ​​off and oozed a few drops of blood.

"Feeling much better?" Mark asked carefully.

Thea nodded. "All because of you."

Ava and Pauline were about to speak up, intending to tease Thea and Marc. But the bell that kept ringing impatiently from outside managed to silence them.

Feeling that they had been in such a situation, Thea and Marc exchanged worried looks.

"Julien and Esme wouldn't ring the bell like that," Thea muttered to Marc, worried.

Without saying anything, Marc immediately went to the living room, followed by Thea. And with a considerable distance, Ava, Pauline, and Hugo followed.

Thea slowly took Marc's hand and held it tightly when Marc turned his head and stared at her expressionlessly.

"Come in with the others," Marc whispered, much softer than how he rubbed the back of Thea's hand.

Thea shook her head.