Found Nothing

Thea gasped in surprise as a pair of hands grabbed her shoulders. She turned her head spontaneously, then breathed a sigh of relief after knowing that those hands belonged to Esme.

"Are you surprised?" Esme asked in a flat tone and expression.

Thea scowled in annoyance. She rubbed her chest. "Why didn't you call me?" she grumbled in annoyance.

"I've been knocking on the door, even calling out your name since entering this house. But you didn't answer any of my calls." Esme explained while flicking Thea's forehead with the middle finger of her right hand.

Thea chose to ignore instead of apologizing for not hearing Esme's call because she was too busy with the various details she had caught in her dream last night.

"What are you thinking about?" Esme asked curiously.

Thea turned her head, then shrugged for a moment before she looked back at Marc's door and window, which were still closed on the other side.