As If

Thea looked at Marc, Julien, Esme and Duncan in turn, shrugging her shoulders.

"Shouldn't I ask Benedikt Braun for help or Mr Alexandrov?" she mumbled in despair.

"What are you going to tell him, hm?" asked Julien curiously.

Esme shook her head, then added, "Have you lost your mind? If you did it, it seems you're trying to accuse him of being one of the people who caught the barbarians."

Thea looked at Julien and Esme in turn, vacant. Her gaze was even difficult to read and predict. Five seconds later, she said goodbye to Marc and Duncan ignoring Julien and Esme, as if her aunt and uncle weren't there.

"I'll find another way," Thea said before leaving Marc's room and then choosing Julien's backyard, sitting facing the lake.