Talk To Genevieve

Thea chose to go instead of being accompanied by Joe. Thea avoids him after knowing the truth, after learning that Joe was the cause of her parents' committee suicide. She didn't hate Joe, and she had forgiven him; it was just that, for now, she didn't want to be bothered. Even though the baby girl she was holding kept crying, she wanted to think.

Instead of hiding in a cave, as Genevieve suggested, Thea chose to find someone she could trust to leave the baby girl she found on the beach.

Thea had been walking for hours along the path between the Aswijk Forest and the Forbidden Forest that stretched —connecting the headwaters of the Blue Brook River and the Glass Stone River; Thea had found no sign of humans or other living things, except for the deer and pigeons that had spotted on the ground. They accompanied her on the journey since leaving Alras Beach.