Into The Oakencrown

After agreeing to the conditions that Genevieve put forward, Thea asked Genevieve to take her to Oakencrown that night without telling anyone, including Marc. But she took the time to watch the sleeping faces of her loved ones before asking Genevieve to do her job.

In the blink of an eye, Genevieve carried Thea under the Oakencrown just as the sky was covered with flashes of lightning.

"It's going to rain soon," Genevieve muttered.

"Then what should I do next?" Thea stared at all parts of the enormous oak tree in front of her fixedly.

Genevieve closed her arms, looking up at the sky, feeling something coming to her soon.

"Just you wait," Genevieve muttered again.

Thea was waiting too. She circled the enormous oak tree with great care. The ground that supported the sacred tree felt wet underfoot even when using the mat, even though the land surrounding Oakencrown was dry.