Leonor's Command

King Luis and his confidants gathered the barbarians and hunters between the dark, forbidden forest behind their backs and the Bluebrook River. They had a strategy of ambush, encirclement, and destruction.

Everyone looked so serious that none of them noticed Benedikt Braun's presence with his confidants. They didn't even notice the few pairs of eyes belonging to Artem Alexandrov and his men, trying to watch all the different activities they were doing from behind the knoll, not far from the forbidden forest.

Artem witnessed Bene's arrival being greeted very well by King Luis and the barbarians and hunters. They mingle without taking long to exchange pleasantries. This made Artem worry for a moment. The older man patted the shoulders of two burly men on his right and left while exhaling in exasperation.

"This war is going to continue with many casualties," Artem muttered exasperatedly.