Under The Sacred Oakencrown

"They're coming!" A bass sound wafted out, filling the silence in one of the slums on an otherwise calm afternoon.

The stocky man patted the grown men one by one, asking them to get ready, for the barbarians and hunters had come to finish them off just like their deceased comrades had experienced.

"I found a cellar around here!" Shouted the red-haired man guarding the wooden gate —peeking at the movements of the barbarians and hunters from between the rigid arrays.

"Bring the children and the elderly to shelter there!" shouted the red-haired man again at another man standing vigilance behind his back.

Immediately after receiving the order, the three people standing behind the red-haired man's backscattered —looking for and bringing the elderly parents and children to where the red-haired man was referring.

"What's going on? Why should we hide?" asked a grandmother. Her wrinkled body trembled with worry.