About Sadness

The moon stayed a little longer than usual; its silver eyes seemed to want still to watch all kinds of sadness that had hit some of the residents of the City of Freibruck since last night, even though a tinge of orange had graced the morning sky.

Marc, Julien, Esme, and Ava are unwilling to leave oakencrown. The place where Thea lost her life.

Joe left the scene with a baby girl and a boy first, bringing them into the Xaera Palace per Marc's request.

Marc rubbed his eyes, wet with tears. His body trembled as he lifted Thea's body.

Watching the girl he loved lay unmoving in his arms, and Marc began to cry silently again, Esme, Julien, and Ava at his side.

Marc couldn't hold back his tears. His shoulders heaved up and down with the sobs he purposely suppressed.