It Would Be a Disaster

The lights in it were still throbbing wildly. He picked up the soul stone. He pressed it in his palm. The lights calmed down and when they were completely gone, he gave it to her. "Don't remove that from your body, Tania," he said. "Or lose it…" Tania took it from him and with trembling hands put it around on her neck. 

"Can you tell me what happened?" Rolfe asked. 

Biham had also come in by then. He looked visibly shaken by seeing daughter's condition. He sat beside Rolfe on the ground after clearing the damp twigs and moss. 

"I saw my Master, Menkar in my dreams. I was surrounded by rings of fire and I felt as if my body was burning. I couldn't breathe… I couldn't move out of those rings of fire. I felt trapped and thought I would never be able to come out of them." 

"Then how did you come out?" Rolfe asked, narrowing his eyes.