
The line at the gates of the kingdom had grown longer. It took over three hours for Kypho to get inside the gates. The guards checked all the details of the metal card tediously. When the checking was over, the guard stamped his entry and asked him to sign in the register. 

As soon as Kypho entered, he rushed to the main market, his patience running thin. Just like what Platt had said, he was there waiting for Kypho. They gave his horse to a local corral and then walked all the way to his house. 

As usual, as Kypho settled after taking a bath, Platt gave him weeds to smoke. They both sat down and started talking about the developments in Draka. 

"Lusitania is now the queen," said Platt. "The king has announced her as his mate and his wife. They were both married in the Kingdom of Stourin."