Deep Meditation

Taiyi laughed at her son and husband. "I am leaving to get some sleep. When you are done with, come over," she said. 

When Taiyi left, Alrakis watched her leaving, gritting his teeth. He turned to his son and said, "So what was so important?"

Eltanin was suddenly left with no words. He looked blankly at his father. He was hoping for some resistance from his parents and then probably a tantrum he would have thrown, but now that his mother left so easily, he didn't know what to do. He scratched his forehead and took a deep breath in. "Why don't you sit here till Tania is awake?" he said. "I am feeling nervous." 

Alrakis narrowed his eyes. That was one feeling that Eltanin always concealed. "Nervous?" 

"Yes!" Eltanin growled. "Can't you see she hasn't awakened?"