Meeting The Dark Prince

When Nerio spat blood from his mouth, dread prickled in him. He had gone lighter, his skin had more wrinkles and he had shrunk in size. He felt as if there was something inside of him that… abandoned him. Rather, it was pulled out of him. With the soul stone gone, he was just his normal self. The soul stone gave him so much energy that it kept him stronger than he should have been at his age. 

The blood of the faes along with the soul stone made him incredibly stronger. Without it, he was a normal merman who should have died by now. He felt like a husk with no seed inside. His chest felt… empty. He still knew the dark spells, but why was it that when he spoke them, they came out like ordinary words. 

The little blood that came out of his body made his chest heave in pain. He crawled towards the pitcher and drank dirty water hungrily. As he was drinking it, the golden eyes that did it all flashed across his mind. He sputtered the water and started coughing.