His Mother

The woman took her hood back down and when her face revealed, Felis forgot to breathe. 

"I am Taiyi from Draka," said the woman. Her face was glowing with a beautiful aura and she looked at Felis with her lovely dark eyes. Her long hair cascaded like a fountain. Her long, slender fingers were holding her hood down. "And I have come to deliver Menkar." 

Felis's heart stopped. It was for the first time that he saw his mother. She had concealed her full identity and it meant that she was ready in case of danger. 

He had heard the tales of how his father forced her and then he was born. His heart wrenched with an unknown emotion. He was not ready for this kind of meeting. He wanted to meet her and know about the magic that she had and that Eltanin had, but why was it that he didn't have it. And if he did, why wasn't it unlocked?