The Route

"We are going to enter Ivory Forest at this point," Felis said, pointing at a mark in the map that was rolled out in front of him. Along with his thirteen commanders, he was sitting around a table. Some of them were standing and peering at the map while two of them were listening to their king. 

Felis indicated a point in the map that was right in the center of the Ivory Forest. The forest was dense in this area and a perfect cover for them to tread. 

"What about Pegasii spies?" asked Brix, the senior most commander. "In the past we have seen that there are spies almost everywhere. I don't know how they detected our movement outside of Aquila." 

"It is highly unlikely that the Pegasii spies are going to be in this part of the Ivory Forest," Felis growled. "Or are you afraid, Brix?"