[Bonus chapter] Help The Women

As Eltanin heard water splashing in the bathroom, he clenched his fists. He was trapped in his own game because he wanted to go inside the bathroom and sink his cock deep inside her. He waited for… one minute. And then he stormed inside the bathroom. She was lying in the hot water bathtub. It was a perfect visual display. 

"Okay, I take my words back!" Eltanin rasped and joined her, crossing the distance between them in three measured strides. 

Tania burst out laughing. "What about the much-boasted control, my dear King?" 

His chest rumbled with a growl. He pulled her in front of him and rested his thighs on her sides. "You are a siren, Tania. I am sure you wielded fae magic out there. I was in control until… I wasn't." 

"Oh, so it is my fault that you lost control," Tania teased him, splashing water at him.