The Love Of Two Parents And Aquarina’s Resolve


My parents woke me up as they asked me something important. What were my powers? Of course, they would eventually ask me that question. I had somehow survived being torn to shreds and I was hanging on just fine. It was also abnormal how much mana I had to the point it never ran out through the entire fight. Even Aquarina, who was calculated to have a mana value of over 10 million, didn't have as much as me. From their perspective, it seemed as if mana was simply created out of my very existence.

It was even more intriguing to my parents how I died but I didn't… sure, they were thankful of it. They were very thankful that I had not died, calling it a miracle of my own powers. However, they also seemed fearful that I had become something like an Undead of sorts, perhaps…

But what really am I? I can't possibly tell them I have the miraculous System that's glitched and had my status fixed, which also made it so that my mana and health never ran out.