Can Spirits Eat Food?


My mother talked about her family for only a small bit, so I can't make too many assumptions. However, it seems there's some family drama going on between them. I don't know what the problem may be, but from what I could infer, they aren't on good terms with mom… well, at least most of her siblings.

She's in good terms with my aunt, her older sister, who she talked about a bit. Apparently, she's one of the people that sent her things through that teleportation item where they transfer items around.

I do wonder how my elven family is like and what they would think about me… I wonder if my mother has ever spoken to them about me? Wait, isn't my mother royalty? Wouldn't that make me a princess?

"Mom, aren't you a royalty in that kingdom? Does that make me something as well?" I asked.

"Oh… w-well…" muttered my mother as she began to ponder this question.

"Indeed! You are an elven princess, Sylphy! Isn't that cool?" father said in response. He seemed to have already known.