Let's Go To The Dungeon!


One panther was gone, defeated by Aquarina's outstanding performance. Her magic-infused knife was actually a good catalyst for her water magic, letting her infuse slicing water into it, making the cut very clean and strong as her magic was stronger than her physical abilities.

In fact, I also saw some great techniques in there. She was probably taught these by her father, not really her mother. Shade was an expert at moving at fast speeds, plus he could use all sorts of techniques using knives and other secret weapons, such as kunai, shuriken, and even needles. Maybe Aquarina will learn more from him than I thought… ugh, damn it. I also want to learn more from him, but my father's training barely leaves me any free time!


Ah right, the battle!

There were four more panthers left. Three of them were burned by my attacks, but they were still alive somehow. Meanwhile, another one was sneaking up right behind me.
