What's My Mother's Age Anyways?


Mother walked outside the tent as if she wanted some time alone.

"Maybe she needs some time alone," Nepheline could not help but say.

"Yeah… she's got some problems with her temperament… She's had a long life filled with many troubles, after all. It's normal for her to be like this sometimes." father replied, sighing at the end.

"Long life? Mom still looks like she's on her twenties..." I said.

"Huh? Hahahaha! Elves at that age are called toddlers…" Nepheline could not help but laugh at my words.

"No… Faylen is old," said Shade.

"Old? H-How old… daddy?" I asked.

Father seemed nervous. It seemed like he didn't want to answer me…

"Allan, have you never told your daughter exactly how old Faylen is?" Nepheline asked him.

"Well, he might not know the exact age either… we don't really know," said Shade in response to her words.