Aquarina's Resolve


Meat was being cooked over the grill. The pieces of meat were from all sorts of beasts, from Wild Boars to Six-Limbed Lizards, and even other sorts of creatures. There were some strong ones that father had gone to hunt by himself in other areas of this floating continent, but I had not seen them so I couldn't really tell what this other meat is. In any case, most of it was red.

There were also some fishes, crabs, shrimp, and skewers with vegetables and mushrooms being prepared. All in all, there's a big feast today. I also heard my mother say that she would prepare a cake and that it was almost ready, so I can't wait to eat some delicious cake from mama.

For now, I followed Aquarina from behind.

"Aquarina, don't be mad at your daddy. I recognize your efforts. I won't get worried, don't worry," I told her.

"S-Sylph…" Aquarina ended up sitting near a tree as she looked back at me.