A New Soul Emerges Within My Soul Scape!


I had grabbed the sword back then and immediately felt a power leak into my soul that moment. It seemed that the "requirements" were complete.

What requirements? Well, to "trap" a strong soul inside my own Soul Scape.

Like what happened with Ignatius.

I had experimented before. It seemed that only exceptionally strong beings' souls could be "trapped" this way.

Weaker monsters… cannot. I had tried it before, hunting a small demon rat, taking out their mana crystal, and holding it tight while infusing mana into it.

Nothing happened…

But equipment made of very strong beings' magic crystals that I've seen die and therefore I have gained their "Experience Points", which was actually just me draining a large chunk of their souls? It was possible to get them.

So, these were the "requirements" that had made me conclude that it worked like that… kind of.

The requirements were:

Kill or be present with a "party member" that killed something.