I Want To Learn Death Magic!


My mother and my father quickly began to celebrate that a second child was coming. So, after we ate our lunch, my mother quickly decided to bake a cake to celebrate the week of life the baby had lived so far, which I told her the age of.

Meanwhile, my father went off into the nearby forest to hunt for wild beasts. He said he wanted to have a big feast with a lot of grilled meat for mom, so she can have a lot of protein for the child… and fat.

I guess my mother might truly grow fat after this. They're really embracing the easygoing marriage life as of now… ah well. I'm pretty sure my mother can reduce her weight with magic, there are certain spells more advanced than Metabolism Enhancement, after all, which could help her consume fat in seconds.

I guess it's more like she's just willingly storing fat for winter… like bears.

Wait, she's an elf. I shouldn't use such comparisons.

"Mom, are you sure a cake will do you good?" I wondered.