The King And Queen Of Elves


So, this is what my mother has told me about my parents that I committed to memory.

Thassarion Naturia Treebark, former king of the Naturia Kingdom, my grandfather, a stoic elf man with enormous magical power, called the High Elven Sage King. He led the country for centuries until he finally retired. A very reserved man who's often insensitive, he has a hard time showing emotions and doesn't connect with others, even with his family.

Arlayna Yggdra Flowerbud, former queen of the Naturia Kingdom, my grandmother, a Faerie woman with butterfly wings. She has a youthful and beautiful appearance, and a childish personality that's always cheerful. However, she also has a hard time comprehending other people's feelings, even those of her own children. She's also insensitive without realizing it, even when she thinks she's a good and gentle mother.