You Can't Talk Things Out With Goblins


Although I was all into talking with Demons and perhaps resolve disputes with words instead of actions, it was clear as water that these Goblins, whose tendencies were barbaric against anything but Goblins of their own tribes, looked like they wanted to rip our heads off.

The green-skinned goblins were occupying this jungle without us even knowing! Aren't they a bit dangerous? I am not into committing genocide against them or something, but should they be dealt with by the amazon? Maybe just intimidating them so they can scram off would work, they look like an invasive species.

But well, the ones in front of us didn't looked like they would be easily intimidated by a mere trio of kids. Their sharp yellow eyes which looked like goat eyes looked at us sharply, as their slim bodies and thin arms began to move. They raised their arms and pointed at us with their rusty weapons.