The Slime's Special Ability


After we carved over half the magic crystals, our bags were filled with them, and we left the rest of the corpses for Pyuku to eat, including the magic crystals on them, we pilled them for him and he ate them in a single bite by spreading his body over them, it was a bit creepy how he dissolved everything so fast... could Pyuku potentially kill us if through this way if we lowered our guards?

The sole thought of it sent shivers down my spine…

Anyways, I like to think that he's a good slime, we saved his life after all so he should be thankful and not attempt to kill us out of looking tasty for him, right?


Pyuku, I am trusting you on this one!

I looked at the adorable little blue slime sitting on the floor, as his bright eyes looked at me with an innocent confusion.

"Ah~ you're way too cute to do bad stuff, right?" I asked.
