Aquarina's Father Resolve


After dinner, my father and Aquarina's father finally came back from wherever they went. They also brought the mischievous Pyuku with them, I had really thought that he had abandoned us, and perhaps he did but my father brought him anyways.

Aquarina seemed to be the happiest that the slime was back, and I was quite surprised. Pyuku had a lot of potential but if it was that independent of a monster, it would be hard to actually tame it. Pyuku is probably sticking with us for convenience only, and it hadn't grown closer to us like a tamed monster would do.

"Pyuuuuku!" said Aquarina.

"You brought him back! Thanks…" I said. I saw my father bringing Pyuku back, as he gave it to Aquarina. She opened her arms and began to squeeze the slime rather tightly.

Pyuku seemed to sigh in relief that it was grabbed by us thought, Shade and my father were being a bit too rough at carrying him.