The Awakening Of A New Power!


While I was sleeping, I ended entering Aquarina's soul scape, where we ended hatching an adorable little dragon egg where an ice-attribute spirit came out, resembling a lot the appearance of Leviathan but in baby form, which I assumed might had been he or her child. Somehow laying an egg as a soul that hatched into a spirit… is that even possible? Can souls even lay eggs?

But that didn't matter for the moment, as I had decided to leave Aquarina's side for the moment, as it would be a hard to control little creature which I didn't wanted to go through the annoyance of seeing for a bit more, I ended going back to my soul to rest there.

However, what I found there, aside from the usual group of spirits, was the System, or Alice, as I had renamed her now. She really likes that name.