Movements In The Amazon Tribe


"A-Anyways, Aquarina, how did you slept?" I asked.

I tried to avert Aquarina from the fact I was growing a grass way too long for some odd reason. She sighed a bit as she began to wrap around the grass leave and then gave it to me.

"Good, although you meddled in my dreams, and it now feels awkward when I think about it…" sighed Aquarina.

"A-Ah… Right… Well, sorry… Anyways, how's the baby dragon?" I wondered.

"He's sleeping and doesn't want to come out at all… So we'll have to wait until he wakes up. I hope that's soon, I want to see if I can practice ice magic with it!" said Aquarina.

"Hm! I am looking forward to seeing you grow stronger in ice element as well… Although my mother always says that it is a pretty dangerous element, it can easily pierce and freeze things, which might cause lethal damage… So you'll have to be careful, especially if you don't have enough protection spells or you'll end up freezing yourself instead…" I said.