The Goblin Army Threat


Apparently, without previously telling us, our parents decided to move the entire Amazon tribe completely elsewhere. Actually, just outside of the entire forest! Why? Just because of the goblins?

Can't they defeat the goblins already? They're heroes that defeated the Demon King, I would had assumed they could do as much…

"Why are we moving out? T-This is the forest we have always lived in…" said Aquarina. She was attached to this place more than I was. She was born in here after all, and had been living surrounded by this beautiful nature for all her years.

"It is complicated, but there is something more dangerous than we thought…" said my father.

"What is it?" I asked.

"Hmm… Well, probably another Demon lord." said my mother.

"Eh? A-Another? Can't they just give us a break?" I asked.