Awakening A Beast Spirit!


Ninhursag seemed rather excited about what she was about to do. She wanted to "awaken" the beast spirits we have innately within our bodies… Apparently our parents have been feeding us food using Cooking Magic for a while, so all these monster spirits or well, some part of their essence remained within us, somehow. And now, she can awaken this to see what we are getting… I would say that it would be scary to know what I have, because it is most likely a mess of many things that I really don't want to see. I wonder if a giant and monstrous chimera will show up… Ahh, just thinking about it sends shiver down my spine, I feel like I really shouldn't let her do it.

…But it was too late. Ninhursag touched my head before I could even resist or run away, and she  smiled gently at me. The energies within her body began to gather around her hand and then, a stream of gold light flew into my head all the way down to my entire body! And… It hurts a lot.